Nokian Tyres has been included in the Dow Jones Global Sustainability Index for the fourth year in a row

Nov 18, 2020

Nokian Tyres has been included in the Dow Jones Global Sustainability Index for the fourth year in a row

Nokian Tyres has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for the fourth consecutive year. The company was also selected for the DJSI Europe Index, which has stricter selection criteria. This means that the company ranks among the most sustainable public companies in the world. The concern scored 100 points in product quality management, environmental reporting, environmental policy and management, and social reporting.

“We are proud to demonstrate leadership in sustainability and receive such recognition. In May 2020, Nokian Tyres became the first tire manufacturer to formally approve scientifically based CO2 targets under the Science Based Targets initiative. Our global team continues to work hard to achieve these goals and is constantly improving in the area of ​​sustainability, ”says Jukka Moisio, President and CEO of Nokian Tyres.

For 6 years, Nokian Tyres has reduced its carbon dioxide emissions from production by 44%. The rolling resistance of Nokian Tyres tires has been reduced by an average of 8%, which is equivalent to the annual exhaust of 65,000 passenger cars. The goal of this work is to improve the environmental friendliness of products without compromising safety.

The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) is an annual assessment of the sustainability performance of large, publicly traded international companies, conducted by SAM, a S&P Global company. Every year SAM evaluates more than 7,300 companies around the world. SAM has been evaluating corporate sustainability based on financial, social and environmental criteria since 1999.

For investors, this index is a valuable indicator of a comprehensive assessment of the company's activities. The 2020 rankings are based on companies' results in 2019. Only the top companies in each industry are included in the index annually.

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