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Falken Linam R51 tires

** Falken R-51 ** -tyre for commercial light trucks. Possesses high durability and wear resistance. Excellent behaviour on a wet road surface. Excellent behaviour on a wet road surface.

Available Falken Linam R51 tire sizes

12" (12 inch) tires


14" (14 inch) tires

175/65R14 C 90/88T

15" (15 inch) tires

205/70R15 C 106/104R
225/70R15 C 112/110R

16" (16 inch) tires

205/65R16 107T
215/75R16 C 113/111R
225/65R16 C 112/110T

Where to buy Falken Linam R51 tires near your location
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