Shinko Tires

Shinko co., Ltd. was established in 1946 to produce bicycle tires and tires. Since then, many developments have been implemented and tehnologičesih lines to enter the world market as a manufacturer of the entire range of tyres and tubes for motor vehicles. Understanding the importance of their product for each owner of motorcycles, Shinko co., Ltd strictly strives to produce the highest quality and in a wide range, in order to cater to the needs of any piloting.

All this is possible thanks to the ideas and technologies developed for half a century the history of rubber products Shinko co., Ltd. Since company Shinko co., Ltd. was founded, it persevered and originality to create the best solutions for a variety of tasks in different areas of the industry, as well as to meet potential needs inherent in these tasks.

Shinko co., Ltd. believes that the integration of a unique, long-term experience and know-how in the production gives an opportunity to receive new properties of rubber tyre production and raise to a new level. Shinko co., Ltd. continues to expand its corporate capacity to meet future challenges.

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