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Type Industrial

Titan 007 MFT tires

Tires ** Titan MFT-007 ** for the mining industry, with extended lifespan and sharp tread pattern. Tires differ have reduced teploobrazovaniem and enhanced carrying capacity.

Side wall of the tire stripped steel inclusions, that allows to make the design more durable, and edges of the onboard have a new structure and walls created from the new mixture, which also increases wear resistance.

Features of drawing and design tread reduce internal heat buildup and allow the heat to dissipate more easily, which reduces the operational temperature of the tires ** MFT ** 007. This allows commercial technology to overcome longer distances at higher speeds.

Lamella in gruntozacepah traction and more lightweight tyres also helps optimize your heating and increase the loading capacity of the tyres.

Available Titan 007 MFT tire sizes

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