Indian Tolin Tires accused of forging Bridgestone tires

Apr 06, 2017

Indian company accused of forging tires Bridgestone

The New Delhi court accused the Indian company Tolin Tires of illegally manufacturing and exporting tires under the Bridgestone brand. The management of the company, previously denied its involvement in fraud, was sentenced to a large fine. In addition, two company executives were forced to spend the night in prison for giving false testimony.

Earlier Tolin Tires was accused of supplying tires under the Bridgestone brand of a company from Nepal to Bansal Trading Concern. Bridgestone demanded from copyright infringers compensation for damages. After the filing of the claim, the director and managing director of Tolin issued a statement in which they denied all charges, but the investigation received customs documents confirming the validity of Bridgestone.

The court ruled that Tolin Tires should pay Bridgestone compensation, and also prohibited Tolin from continuing to use the Bridgestone trademark.

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