Conti and Kordsa continue to develop Cokoon technology

Sep 12, 2020

Conti and Kordsa continue to develop Cokoon technology

Continental AG and Turkey's Kordsa Teknik Tekstil AS announce progress in developing their environmentally friendly adhesive technology. The partners are confident they can turn Cokoon-branded technology into the industry standard.

Since Conti and Kordsa presented a detailed plan for offering Cokoon as a license-free “open source” technology in early 2019, more than 70 different firms have expressed interest in it.

Cokoon's new glue impregnation technology will help reduce environmental damage. It eliminates the need to impregnate textile cords with resorcinol and formaldehyde, which are traditionally used to increase the adhesion between rubber and textiles during tire cord manufacturing. Refusal to use them does not reduce the quality of the produced cord and at the same time reduces the risk to the health of employees of enterprises, since it relieves them of the need to contact with toxic substances. In addition, according to Kordsa, the new technology makes it possible to produce cord in different colors.

Conti and Kordsa have been working on Cokoon technology since 2017. Since 2019, Cokoon has been used in serial production - 250 thousand passenger tires have already been produced using this technology.

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